
Create personalized dashboards to monitor key metrics and boost performance

Pushwoosh provides a flexible and user-friendly Dashboard Builder that allows you to create customized dashboards to suit your business needs. These dashboards can be tailored to display the data that matters most to your business, including information about Events, message metrics, audience insights, and more.

With your selected metrics available at a glance, you can stay on top of your performance, make informed decisions, and optimize your strategies effectively.

Dashboards list

To gain insights into the performance of your application and campaigns, navigate to Statistics → Dashboards. Here, you'll discover a list of existing dashboards and can create new custom ones.

The list provides the names of the dashboards along with their creation dates, making it easy to manage and access your data.

To manage a dashboard, simply click the three dots next to its name, and you'll have access to the following actions:

  • Open Dashboard

  • Rename: Use this option to modify the dashboard's name if necessary, helping you keep your dashboards organized and up-to-date.

  • Delete: If you no longer require a dashboard, you can use this option to remove it. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

By default, Pushwoosh offers a range of pre-built dashboards tailored to various aspects of your campaigns. These dashboards include:

  • Application Dashboard

  • Push Notifications Dashboard

  • Emails Dashboard

  • In-apps Dashboard

  • Events Dashboard

The Application dashboard is designed to help you monitor your app's performance and provides charts displaying key metrics, including:

  • Recipients

  • Subscribers

  • Daily Active Users

  • Monthly Active Users

  • App installs

  • App opens

  • App uninstalls

The Push Notifications dashboard is designed to help you track how your push notifications campaigns perform. It includes data about:

  • Recipients

  • Push CTR

  • Push sends

  • Push deliveries

  • Push opens

  • Application installs

  • Application uninstalls

The Emails dashboard allows you to gauge email campaign effectiveness with metrics such as:

  • Recipients

  • Email CTR

  • Sends

  • Deliveries

  • Opens

  • Hard bounces

  • Soft bounces

  • Complaints

  • Subscribes

  • Unsubscribes

The In-apps dashboard provides insights into in-app message performance, featuring metrics like In-app Impressions and Interactions.

The Events dashboard contains statistics related to Events used in your campaigns.

You have the flexibility to customize these dashboards by adding new charts with the metrics you require or removing any that are not relevant to your specific needs.

If data is unavailable or channels aren't configured, the dashboard will display empty charts.

How to create a new dashboard

With the Pushwoosh Dashboard Builder, you have the flexibility to create custom dashboards tailored to your specific needs. These dashboards can be built using various data, such as trigger events, communication metrics, audience analytics, etc.

To create a new dashboard, click the Create Dashboard button located above the list of your current dashboards.

Give your dashboard a clear and descriptive name that reflects its content. This will help you find it later. Don't worry, you can always rename the dashboard later if needed.

Then, click Create to proceed.

This will open the Dashboard Builder, where you can create custom dashboards that consist of charts containing all the necessary metrics.

How to build a chart

Each dashboard contains charts displaying various metrics, which enables you to gain a comprehensive insight into your campaign and application performance. A dashboard can have up to 10 charts.

  1. To add a chart, click Add Chart in the Dashboard Builder.

  1. In the Chart Widget that opens, provide a descriptive and clear chart name that accurately represents the data it contains. You can always edit the chart name later if necessary.

  1. In the Metrics section, choose the specific metrics you need to monitor.

All the metrics available are divided into three main groups:

  • Communication Metrics that offer insights into the performance of various communication channels

  • Audience Metrics that provide insights into your application's audience.

  • Events Metrics that allow you to understand user behavior by examining event-related metrics.

You can mix and match metrics from different groups to tailor your chart to your needs.

You can find a more detailed breakdown of the metrics in each group below.

To remove a metric from your chart, click the three dots next to the metric and click Remove.

  1. In the Filters section, filter the data by platform.

  1. At the top of the page, specify the period or set a custom period. You can also specify the interval at which your data is displayed: Daily or Hourly for periods up to 30 days and Daily or Monthly for longer periods.

Please note that the data storage period in Pushwoosh may vary depending on the specific metric. If a metric's data is stored for 2 years and you select a custom period of 3 years, the data will still be displayed for 2 years only and the earlier period will display no data.

  1. Specify the Chart visualization type, which can be a line chart, a bar graph, or a pie chart.

You can also export your chart as a CSV file. To do this, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the report.

Managing and editing dashboards

Editing dashboards is simple; you can easily add new charts or delete existing ones. To delete a chart, click on the three dots next to the chart name and select Delete.

You can also modify the period displayed in all the charts on the dashboard.

Additionally, the charts are interactive, allowing you to hide data for specific platforms or metrics. To do this, simply click on the platform or metric at the top of the chart, and it will be hidden from view. You can easily bring it back by clicking on the metric again.

You can also adjust the size of the charts for better visibility.

Metrics to include in dashboards

Communication metrics

These metrics offer insights into the performance of your primary communication channels, including push notifications, in-app messages, and emails.

Push metrics

Email metrics

In-app metrics

Audience metrics

This set of metrics offers insights into user behavior and engagement.


This group includes default events and custom events you've set for your app.

Last updated