
Creates a new push preset

Creates a new push preset.

Platform-specific parameters:

  "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required, string. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel.
  "name": "PRESET_NAME", // required, string.
  "applicationCode": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // optional, string. Your Pushwoosh application code, can't be used with applicationGroupCode. ApplicationCode or applicationGroupCode is required.
  "applicationGroupCode": "AAAAA-BBBBB", // optional, string. Application group code, can't be used with applicationCode. ApplicationCode or applicationGroupCode is required.
  "campaignCode": "CCCCC-DDDDD", // optional, string. Campaign code. 
  "content": { // required, array. Contains message data. 
    "platforms": { // required, array. Specific content for different platforms.
      // Android related 
      "android": {
        "badge": 12, // optional, integer. Android application icon badge number. Use "+n" or "-n" to increment/decrement the badge value by n.
        "header": "push header", // optional, string. Android notification header.
        "soundOff": false, // optional, boolean. The device will produce no sound upon receiving a push.
        "sound": "soundfile", // optional, string. No file extension. If left empty, the device will produce no sound upon receiving a push.
        "led": "#18e08e", // optional, string. LED hex color, device will do its best approximation.
        "ibc": "#7e9e12", // optional, string. Icon background color on Lollipop, #RRGGBB, #AARRGGBB, "red", "black", "yellow", etc.
        "vibration": true, // optional, boolean. Android force-vibration for high-priority pushes.
        "customIcon": "some_icon", // optional, string. Full path URL to the image file.
        "banner": "some_banner", // optional, string. Full path URL to the image file.
        "lockScreen": 0, // optional. (0|1) Show push notification on lock-screen
        "rootParams": { // optional. Custom key-value object. Root level parameters for the android payload recipients.
          "param1": "value1",
          "param2": "value2"
        "silent": true, // optional. Enables silent notifications (ignore "sound" and "content").
        "deliveryPriority": "normal", // optional, string. Valid values are "normal" or "high". Enables notification’s delivery when the device is in the power saving mode.
        "priority": 1, // Sets the “importance” parameter for devices with Android 8.0 and higher, as well as the “priority” parameter for devices with Android 7.1 and lower. Establishes the interruption level of a notification channel or a particular notification. Valid values are -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.
        "ttl": 172800 // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
      // iOS related 
      "ios": {
        "badge": 12, // optional, integer. iOS application badge number. Use "+n" or "-n" to increment/decrement the badge value by n.
        "title": "push title", // optional, string. Adds Title for push notification.
        "subtitle": "test subtitle", // optional, string. Adds sub-title for push notification.
        "sound": "sound", // optional, string. Sound file name in the main bundle of application. If left empty, the device will produce no sound upon receiving a push.
        "customIcon": "some_icon", // optional, string. Adds icon for push notification.
        "trimContent": true, // optional, boolean (true|false). Trims the exceeding content strings with ellipsis.
        "rootParams": { // optional. Root level parameters to the aps dictionary.
          "aps": {
            "content-available": "1",
            "mutable-content": 1 // required for iOS 10 Media attachments.
          "attachment": "YOUR_ATTACHMENT_URL", // iOS 10 media attachment URL.
          "data": << User supplied data, max of 4KB>>
        "silent": true, // optional, boolean. Enables silent notifications (ignore "sound" and "content").
        "categoryId": 123, // optional, integer. iOS8 category ID from Pushwoosh.
        "ttl": 172800 // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
      // Amazon related 
      "amazon": {
        "header": "push header", // optional, string. Amazon notification header.
        "sound": "sound", // optional, string. Sound file name in the main bundle of application. If left empty, the device will produce no sound upon receiving a push.
        "customIcon": "http://example.com/image.png", // optional, string. Adds icon for push notification.
        "icon": "some_icon",
        "rootParams": { // optional. Custom key-value object.
          "param1": "value1",
          "param2": "value2"
        "banner": "http://example.com/banner.png",
        "priority": 2, // priority of the push in Amazon push drawer, valid values are -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2.
        "ttl": 172800 // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
      // Windows Phone related 
      "wphone": {
        "type": "Tile", // Windows Phone notification type. 'Tile' or 'Toast'. Raw notifications are not supported. 'Tile' is default.
        "frontBackground": "/Resources/Red.jpg", // optional, string. Tile image.
        "backBackground": "/Resources/Green.jpg", // optional, string. Back tile image.
        "backContent": "content", // optional, string. Back tile content.
        "backTitle": "title", // optional, string. Back tile title.
        "count": 2 // optional, integer. Badge for Windows Phone notification.
      // Mac OS X related
      "osx": {
        "title": "push title", // optional, string. Adds Title for push notification.
        "subtitle": "push subtitle", // optional, string. Adds subtitle for push notification.
        "badge": 11, // optional, integer. OSX application badge number. Use "+n" or "-n" to increment/decrement the badge value by n.
        "sound": "sound", // optional, string. Sound file name in the main bundle of application. If left empty, the device will produce no sound upon receiving a push.
        "ttl": 3600, // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
        "rootParams": {
          "content-available": true
      // Windows related 
      "windows": {
        "message": {
          "en": {
            "headLineText": "english head line text",
            "bodyText1": "english body text1",
            "bodyText2": "english body text2"
          "ja": {
            "headLineText": "japan head line text",
            "bodyText1": "japan body text1",
            "bodyText2": "japan body text2"
        "template": "someTemplate",
        "image": "image.jpg",
        "type": "Badge", // 'Tile' | 'Toast' | 'Badge' | 'Raw'
        "tag": "tag", // optional, string. Used in Tile replacement policy. An alphanumeric string of no more than 16 characters.
        "cache": 1, // optional. (1|0) Translates into X-WNS-Cache-Policy value.
        "ttl": 3600 // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
      // Chrome related
      "chrome": {
        "title": "push title", // optional, string. Adds Title for push notification.
        "icon": "some_icon.ico", // optional, string. Full path URL to the icon or extension resources file path.
        "image": "image.jpg", // optional, string. URL to large image.
        "rootParams": { // optional, key-value object. Set parameters specific to messages sent to Chrome.
          "param1": "value1",
          "param2": "value2"
        "duration": 30, // optional, integer. Changes chrome push display time. Set to 0 to display push until user interacts with it.
        "ttl": 172800, // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
        "button1": { // optional
          "text": "button1 text", // optional
          "url": "http://button1.url" // optional. Ignored if chrome_button_text1 is not set.
        "button2": { // optional
          "text": "button2 text", // optional
          "url": "http://button2.url"  // optional. Ignored if chrome_button_text2 is not set.
      // Firefox related 
      "firefox": {
        "title": "push title", // optional. Adds Title for push notification.
        "icon": "some_icon.ico", // full path URL to the icon or path to the file in extension resources.
        "rootParams": {  // optional. Set parameters specific to messages sent to Firefox.
          "param1": "value1",
          "param2": "value2"
      // Safari related 
      "safari": {
        "title": "push title", // required, string. Title of the notification.
        "action": "Click here", // optional. Action button content.
        "urlArgs": [ // optional
        "ttl": 3600 // optional, integer. Time to live parameter — the maximum lifespan of a message in seconds.


HTTP Status codestatus_codeDescription
200200Preset successfully created
200210Argument error. See status_message for more info
400N/AMalformed request string
500500Internal error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!