
Gets the statistics for the application.


Enterprise API

Gets the statistics for the application.

Statistic displays registered actions for application, device or message, for the timeframe specified.

Reports are automatically aggregated using the following rules:
yearly > 1 year
monthly > 1 month
daily > 1 day
hourly > 3 hours
minutely in other cases

Application Level: open, install

Device Level: register, unregister

Message level: send, open

All statistics objects have the same format:

formatterstringreport scale: yearly, monthly, daily, hourly, minutely
rowslistreport rows

Each of the report rows is a dictionary:

countintregistered actions count
actionstringregistered action
datetimestringFormatted date: Y-m-d H:i:s



As every scheduled request, /getAppStats request requires an additional /getResults request

Response body

request_idstringScheduled request ID. Please check /getResults method for more information

Scheduled (/getResults) response body

applicationsdictionarystatistics for applications
devicesdictionarystatistics for devices
messagesdictionarystatistics for messages
	"error": {
		"code": 0,
		"message": "OK"
	"json_data": {
		"applications": {
			"formatter": "hourly",
			"rows": [{
				"count": 0,
				"action": "open",
				"datetime": "2013-06-06 00:00:00"
			}, ...
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!