
Called internally from the SDK. Gets the parameters of the nearest geozone and a distance to it.
Also records the device location for geo push notifications.

//see http://gomoob.github.io/php-pushwoosh/get-nearest-zone.html
use Gomoob\Pushwoosh\Model\Request\GetNearestZoneRequest;

// Creates the request instance
$request = GetNearestZoneRequest::create()

// Call the '/getNearestZone' Web Service
$response = $pushwoosh->getNearestZone($request);

if($response->isOk()) {
    print 'Zone name : ' . $response->getResponse()->getName();
    print 'Latitude : ' . $response->getResponse()->getLat();
    print 'Longitude : ' . $response->getResponse()->getLng();
    print 'Range : ' . $response->getResponse()->getRange();
    print 'Distance : ' . $response->getResponse()->getDistance();
} else {
    print 'Oups, the operation failed :-('; 
    print 'Status code : ' . $response->getStatusCode();
    print 'Status message : ' . $response->getStatusMessage();
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!